Resultados: 6

Funcionamento familiar e recursos ambientais oferecidos pelas famílias de crianças com transtornos mentais

Embora exista um corpo de pesquisa dedicado a investigar as relações entre família e adoecimento psíquico, ainda faltam muitas informações sobre como se dão estas interações. Os transtornos mentais apresentam um impacto significativo sobre as famílias e, ao mesmo tempo, podem ser afetados por c...

Care actions for family members of users of psychoactive substances: intentions/expectations

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.5), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the professionals' intentions and family members' expectations about care actions developed to the relatives of users of psychoactive substances. Method: a social phenomenology approach according to Alfred Schütz, performed in a Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol an...

Project K: Training for hospital-community safe transition

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.5), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To define the safe transition process from hospital to community of patients with chronic mental disorders and their families. Method: This was an action research study included in the constructivist paradigm. The participants in the study were nurses from a psychiatry service and f...

Family of older adults with mental disorder: perception of mental health professionals

Rev. bras. enferm; 70 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the perceptions of healthcare professionals of the Psychosocial Care Centers regarding the family of older adults with mental disorders. Method: study of a Qualitative Case conducted with 12 healthcare professionals from a Psychosocial Care Center, with a convenient an...

Strategies for coping with family members of patients with mental disorders

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the coping strategies of family members of patients with mental disorders and relate them to family member sociodemographic variables and to the patient's clinical variables. Method: this was a descriptive study conducted at a psychiatric hospital in the interior of th...

Familias con deficiencia mental educable: riesgo y salud familiar

Av. enferm; 29 (2), 2011
El conocimiento de la familia es esencial para su cuidado, máxime si algunos de sus miembros requieren de protección permanente porque sufren Deficiencia Mental Educable (DME). Objetivo: Determinar el Riesgo Familiar Total (RFT) y el Grado de Salud Familiar (GSF) de las familias con uno o más miembros...